
Should Your Blog Be on a Sub-domain or Sub-folder

The question of whether a blog should be on a sub-domain or sub-folder is one that causes much debate with the Internet marketing world. The simple answer is there’s no universal answer, it depends on a few other variables and what your end goals are. In this article we’ll take a look both sides and explore the pros and cons of both.

Sub-folder Approach

Using a sub-folder is one that is usually advocated by many Internet marketers, especially if they are pro-social media. A sub-folder implementation will look like this http://www.example.com/blog. Here are some of the pros of this approach:


Sub-domain Approach

Use of a sub-domain is generally advocated by any existing legacy IT departments, or conservative management parties. A sub-domain implementation will look like this http://blog.example.com. Here are some pros and cons of this approach:


The real answer is that there is no one answer that fits all situations, everything is divided up on a case by case basis. I use wordpress as a primary blogging and CMS platform and from a security standpoint it leaves a lot to be desired. As an SEO I really like consolidating all of my link equity, but I have to weigh that decision against the sensitivity of potentially exposing any confidential customer or company data via hacking. Additionally any link injection hacking on will only affect a sub-domain, so for most of my clients a sub-domain is usually a better choice.

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