At first glance, the Environment Web Directory at has something to be desired. The site is first a collection of links in manageable categories related to environmental issues. Underneath the neatly arranged categories, however, are a rather odd assortment of links with descriptions. Some are related still to the environment while others, such as payday loans, seem completely out of place. The extra collection of links are almost missing a title or category such as “Featured Links” to let the visitor know what it is he’s looking at.
At the very bottom of the homepage is yet another list of links only marginally related to the site purpose. These lists are site wide as well, appearing as a separate list even on the “Other Places to Search” page which does contain quality environmentally related links. If these questionable links were removed leaving only the bona fide categories and related searches, the Environment Wed Directory would be off to a much more authentic start as a quality directory. As it is, one can only hope that the links are providing the financial backing for the site allowing the owners to pull together a terrific collection of environmentally related links.
The Environment Web Directory fills an obvious niche as it seeks to collect authoritative links on various aspects of the environment. According to the information page (also flooded with unrelated links) the staff of the Environment Web Directory numbers twenty-three and comes together in the basement of a music store to search out and list the best environmental sites available.
In the actual directory portion of the homepage, the environmental links are broken down into the same kinds of categories present on most directories. Only with the focus on the environment topics for the categories have a decidedly greener feel. In fact the entire website is green – in every sense of the word. Categories range from weather to energy to pollution with an impressive collection of sub categories under each.
The subcategories are also listed multiple times under various heading, but linked neatly back to the same page ensuring visitors can find what they need no matter where they search. For example, a link to the Waste Management links is found under Pollution and Recycling as it is strongly related and searchable in each category.
The Environment Web Directory began in 1994, and appears to be well updated with current links. All links tested were live although some loaded very slowly. The site is well balanced with all aspects of the environment. It doesn’t show particular favoritism to veganism over animal husbandry, not does it list only websites from a handful of countries. Links are to websites from all over the world and none of the links tested could be called propaganda of any kind.
The developers behind the Environment Web Directory could stand a site redesign sans unrelated links, but the content provided on the site more than makes up for the awkward introduction. The link quality is excellent and it is obvious that the site editors work to ensure only authoritative websites make the list.