10 Funniest (and Gross) Bathroom Gadgets

Funny bathroom gadgetsFunny bathroom gadgetsA good sense of humor is always good. It gives you a reason to relax and even fuels your creativity and productivity.

Therefore it’s cool if you have plenty of funny gadgets around your home interior: they may keep your family members and friends in a good mood throughout the day.

But sometimes you just want to say “Enough is enough”.

This post is all about that “extreme humor” that can be used to turn your daily bathroom procedures into real fun: 10 funniest and gross bathroom gadgets:

1. Electric bath duck

Please don’t use this one; only store to amuse your guests:

Electric bath duckElectric bath duck

2. Serial Killer / Psycho shower curtain

If you are a fan of those scary movies where all most terrible things happen in the shower, this “psycho” shower curtain should appeal to you:

3. Blood bath mat

A cool companion to the aforementioned shower curtain to create a most complete interior design:

4. Disgusting soap dispenser

Push on the nose, and you will get an opportunity to wash your hands with the green stuff that gets out of the nostrils:

5. Handsoap

Ever wanted to wash your hands with, well, hands? These would not look as odd to me, be it hands of an adult person… But babies!

6. Dog-end towel holder

If you think that stuffing a towel into this Dog-End butt is funny, this towel holder is right for you!

7. Excited man wall hook

Like the dog-end towel holder wasn’t enough! The both hooks will surely bring a whole lots of smiles for all members of your family and random friends who’ll come to visit.

8. Face / Butt towels

If you want to remember which part of the towel rubbed which part of your body, this towel will be your favorite one:

9. HELP! drain stopper

This drain stopper is a must-have if you plan to buy handsoap mentioned above:

10. Pet vomit toothpaste

These “Toothpaste Heads” claim to make teeth brushing more fun but I really doubt they do:


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