Photo credit: cdw0107
Easter baskets generally fill the shelves at your local grocery stores and malls this time of year. But if you prefer to make your own basket of gifts for your kids, you might need a little help searching for the right toys, candy and other objects to add. Here is a list of 10 new ideas for your kid’s Easter basket gifts.
Ideas for Young Kids
Bowling Bunnies: The soft bunnies in the Bowling Bunnies set available at Fat Brain Toys serve as your child’s bowling pins. What do they use to knock them down? Why a soft, plush cabbage of course! This game is fun, safe for children and won’t result in broken toys when played inside.
Cozy Bunny Blanket: Instead of choosing between a stuffed bunny and a soft blanket for your little one’s Easter basket, why not choose a bunny and a blanket all-in-one? This super-soft, super-cute satin and fleece blanket with bunny personality from Red Envelope has the body of a blanket with the head, arms and legs of a stuffed bunny.
Ideas for Teens
White Rabbit “You’re Late” Tee: Hot Topic is a favorite store of many teens and they have a white rabbit Alice in Wonderland tee shirt that your teenage daughter might actually want to wear out of the house. The tee shirt features a picture of the rabbit along with the words, “You’re Late” which, in the case of most teens, is probably true.
BuNnY MoNsTeRz: For the angsty, funny and alternative teen in your life comes a stuffed animal they can identify with and love. BuNnY MoNsTeRz and their cousins the munki bunnyz (pictured) are demented but cute, irreverent bunny-like stuffed animals, hand-made by Etsy seller StarMonkey. They range in size from about 8 to 10 inches tall and are created with an assortment of interesting fabrics and buttons.
Cymbal Playing Bunny: The Cymbal Playing Bunny is a take on the old cymbal playing monkey which has been ruined thanks to its frequent appearance in scary movies. But there is nothing scary about Uncommon Good’s Cymbal Playing Bunny who, when wound up, happily crashes his cymbals together. It’s a great way to remind your teen of their childhood with a collectible figure.
The Incredible Expanding Bunny: The Incredible Expanding Bunny is a fun optical illusion that will keep your kids and their friends interested for weeks as they try to figure out how the bunny seems to grow as the wheel spins.
Ideas for Candy
12.5″ Tall Chocolate Bunny: There will be no run-of-the-mill chocolate bunny for your kids this year. Instead, they can have a chocolate bunny with ears so long it measures over one foot tall. Get ready for an extreme sugar high!
Bacon Jelly Beans: Sure, jelly beans should be a part of every Easter basket, but you don’t have to go with traditional jelly beans. Instead, you can opt for ThinkGeek’s bacon-flavored jelly beans in the special bacon-shaped tin. They’re like breakfast and dessert in one not-so-sweet treat.
Ideas for the Whole Family
Bunny Slippers: Who wouldn’t love to hop around all day in some warm, soft bunny slippers? has bunny-headed slippers in a range of sizes. They even have killer rabbit slippers for the Monty Python fan in your family.
Bunny Sponsorship: Often during Easter, families rush out to the nearest pet store and buy their children sweet little bunny rabbits. Unfortunately for the bunnies, most families find their children unable to handle the responsibility of rabbit care and many of these pets end up in shelters. This year, instead of buying the bunny, why not just sponsor one of the needy and recovering bunnies at an animal shelter like Best Friends Animal Shelter?