Do you wish you could earn an undergraduate or graduate degree online? It isn’t always possible for us to take time off of work to pursue further education and sometimes on-campus courses just don’t fit within our schedules. Whether you need more time to work at your own pace or you’re so motivated that you want to complete courses faster than usual, an online degree program might be a good option for you.
If you’re thinking about distance learning and pursuing an online degree, here are ten respectedU.S.colleges and universities offering these programs. Some examples of degree programs offered are also included below.
1. Arizona State University
- BS in Communication
- BS in Film and Media Studies
- BA in History
- BAS in Internet and Web Development
- BS in Nursing
- BS in Political Science
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Arts: Criminal Justice
- Master of Education
- Master of Business Administration
2. Boston University
- Master of Criminal Justice
- Masters of Music, Music Education
- Master of Science in Computer Information Systems
- Master of Social Work
- Doctor of Musical Arts, Music Education
- Doctor of Occupational Therapy
3. The City University of New York (CUNY)
- BA in Communication and Culture
- BS in Business
- BS in Health Information Management
- BA in Sociology
4. Drexel University
- BS in Health Services Administration
- BS in Business Administration
- BS in Communication
- BS in Psychology
- BS in Computing and Security Technology
- Online MBA
- MS in Sport Management
- MS in Hospitality Management
- MS in Information Systems
- MS in Computer Science
- MS in Electrical Engineering
5. Kent State University
- Computer Technology
- Master of Library and Information Science
- Master of Public Administration
- MA for Journalism Educators
- MS in Knowledge Management
6. Rutgers University
- Master of Library and Information Science
7. Stanford University
- Master of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Master of Chemical Engineering
- Master of Management Science and Engineering
- Master of Computer Science
- Master of Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Science in Engineering
9. University of Massachusetts
- Isenberg Online MBA
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- BA Psychology
- BA Women’s Studies
- BS Hospitality and Tourism Management
- BS Information Technology
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Master of Education
- MS in Family Therapy
- Master of Applied Linguistics
10. Virginia Tech
- Master of Aerospace Engineering
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Political Science
- Master of Ocean Engineering
- Master of Agricultural and Life Sciences
It’s important to note that even online degrees can sometimes have residency or campus visit requirements (although not all do). Others based around hands-on careers will often require internships to get you the hands-on experience you need. Make sure you thoroughly review the requirements of any online degree program before applying.
Have you taken online courses for college credits? Have you earned your entire degree online? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.