3 Absolutely Free Social Media Tools to Keep You Motivated

The hardest part about losing weight is to stay motivated. Usually the results are very slow to notice, so day by day you stop seeing the point in going on.

This is when turning to people for help is a great idea. It is always more fun to try to achieve your goals together with someone. Both the feeling of being supported and the contest spirit keep you encouraged and motivated.

But what if there’s no one nearby to share your weight loss goals with? That’s when social media communities are there to help. Here are the three absolutely free web-based tools to help you achieve your weight loss goals:

1. SparkPeople

SparkPeople promotes “a new approach to weight loss” which is basically nothing new but sounds useful: join support groups and help each other lose weight.

Besides support groups and strong and active community, the site also offers quite a few tools to help you track your meals, monitor your weight and keep an eye on your progress:

  • Personalized diets;
  • Calorie counter,
  • Customized fitness programs,
  • Expert Q&A section,
  • Motivation program, etc.

2. Traineo

Traineo invites members to build a support network of traineo motivators and then join thousands of active community members sharing motivation and support as they follow their weight loss programs. Basically it works as follows:

  • You set your weight loss goal
  • Then you choose friends and/or family members to become your ‘traineo motivators’ who will track your progress.

This is actually a unique and useful feature: your “motivators” will be receiving your Traineo reports and (if they notice that you seem to be giving up) they can quickly get you motivated again.

traineo in under 2 mins from traineo on Vimeo.

3. Thintopia

Thintopia invites you to lose weight collaboratively by taking part in weight loss competitions.

It lets you meet other like-minded people and connect with them. While the site is really limited in features and simple in design, it does have a great idea. By competing each other you can achieve a lot and have fun as well!

The guest post is by Eric who has recently started a website on treadmills for sale.
