3 Ways to Get Free Publicity for Your Small Businesses


Is your small business constantly struggling to find ways to get its name out there? Are you trying to trim your marketing and PR budget so you can outlast this recession?

Well, there’s good news. Now you can get your name out there without spending anything at all. If you use these 3 free publicity-generating tactics, you’ll increase your brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, enhance your credibility, and get more qualified leads and sales.

If you know of any other free ways to get publicity, share your tactics by leaving a comment.


 1. Online press release distribution

Sending out press releases through the dozens of free PR distribution websites online is a great way to get your name out there. Make sure your press release contains an interesting, newsworthy angle and a powerful headline that sucks readers in. This gives your press release the best chance of standing out and getting picked up by other media outlets.

One of the great things about online press release directories is that most of them allow you to include links in the body of your press release. This allows you to create keyword-rich backlinks aimed at landing pages on your site. This drives targeted traffic to those pages, and it also helps those pages rank better for the chosen keywords.

Speaking of search engine rankings, Google tends to really love press releases. I’ve had press releases I’ve written stay on the first page of the search results for the targeted keyword for more than a year. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your press release by placing the keyword in the headline, subhead, and body.


2. Article marketing

Writing interesting, informative articles for online article directories will yield multiple benefits. In addition to increasing your online presence, article marketing bolsters your credibility, positioning you as an expert in your industry.

Whenever you write articles, always make sure your content is fully compliant with the guidelines of the article directories you’re targeting. Article submission directories typically have minimum word counts, maximum number of links allowed, formatting requirements, and quality standards. As it relates to quality, don’t use your article as a thinly-veiled advertisement. Instead, focus on giving sound advice and useful information to readers as this will help you earn their trust, making them more comfortable doing business with you in the future.

The thing to remember about article marketing is that it takes time to build a successful campaign. You can’t just publish one article and expect to see great results. You need to consistently publish a decent volume of well-written articles over a long period of time before you start to really see the benefits. Consistency is the key!


3. Guest blogging

We’ve talked about the importance of guest blogging on here before. The blogosphere is an amazing tool for helping your business reach its target audience. Whenever you submit a guest blog, your credibility is instantly increased because it acts as an endorsement from the host blogger who’s allowing you to talk to his readers.

For the most success guest blogging, you need to always focus on putting your best foot forward. Remember, this is your chance to make a strong first impression with a new audience. With that in mind, you need to submit the best piece of content you’re capable of writing. Try to give the audience something that they haven’t read a million times before, and make sure to include your unique personality in the piece. This will help you build a relationship with the readers.


What are some other free ways to get publicity? Share your best tips by leaving a comment.

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