4 Reasons to Update Your Business Website

When was the last time you updated your business’s website? If your answer is five years or longer, you should think about an update. In today’s virtual climate, having a well-designed website is imperative to the success of any business, since many people receive their first impression of a company through its website. If you have an outdated website, you may project an unprofessional image. Explore four reasons why updating your business website can be a huge boost for your business.

Why you should update your business website

Still not convinced that you need to update your business’s website? The following reasons should hopefully convince you that you should make time for an update:

  • You lose mobile customers. Here’s a fascinating stat: More than 70 percent of local searches occur on a smartphone. If your website is not responsive for mobile browsing — easily viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or other device — you’re alienating a crucial number of potential customers. 
  • You lose credibility with your customers. A poorly designed website that is slow to load and not well-organized is off-putting to customers. Even if you offer better products and services than your competitors, you could lose customers to their better-designed websites. A well-designed website communicates credibility and professionalism.
  • Your content is not optimized for search terms. No matter how well-written your content appears on your website, if the content is not optimized for search, people won’t find your site when they’re searching for your products or services. Content written years ago doesn’t look relevant to search engines anymore, so now is a good time to update your content and your keyword targeting plan.
  • Your customers don’t know how to contact you. Is your contact information found in a clear place on your website? Most customers aren’t going to search for your contact information, which means you could be missing out on potential sales due to a cumbersome website.

Update your website with a working capital loan

Updating a website is imperative to your business’s success, but a major update can also be a significant expense. A working capital loan for a website upgrade is helpful for businesses that want to invest in a redesigned website but lack the upfront costs required.

In truth, no matter what kind of business you operate, having a well-designed, responsive website is necessary and can lead to potential customers looking to you as a professional who can serve their needs. Even if you’re shunning the more common website mistakes such as autoplaying music or having pop-ups on every page, if more than a few years have passed since you updated your website, there’s no time like the present to take care of this most important business investment.

Featured image via: Flickr by ZERGE_VIOLATOR

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