Problem Action Result statements or accomplishment statements reflect the three elements named. The statement should give specifics, be easy to understand, and give insights into the future.
The problem part of the PAR statement could be a situation and objective.
What did you do? What obstacles did you overcome? What personality traits did you display? What skills did you call upon?
The statement as a whole should demonstrate your qualifications, validate your experience, and highlight accomplishments. Results are best understood when termed in positive words, past tense, and include numbers. Percentages or dollar amounts add weight to your statement.
Consider what you are most proud of professionally:
PAR statements are oft used on resumes. They may appear under accomplishments or as a summary under a job title. Looking at your PAR statement may help you determine what your core strengths are. What skills and abilities may transfer to different industries or other careers?
Review your statements with confidence. Recognize that you’ve accomplished important things. Your PAR statements should reaffirm your desires by way of salary expectations and positions you seek.
Keeping PAR statements fresh in your mind will serve you well when asked, “Tell me about a time when…” on a job interview.
You may also wish to read about objective statements on resumes. Need help writing an executive resume or biography? Call an expert.