Small businesses are the key to growing our economy because they create jobs. For small business to hire the best applicants and for talented people to find those new small jobs we can benefit from new solutions.
Most recruiting systems are designed for very large corporations and do not work well for small businesses. I recently came across one that I believe will because they designed an easy to use system.
Most small businesses use a combination of email, excel spreadsheets, online job postings on job boards and possibly one-on-one networking on sites like LinkedIn or Skype. The problem with those methods is remembering where you did what and what information is stored where.
Even if you only have one position to fill, you need a process
to keep track of job listings online, resumes coming in, and
which current employees handle interviewing and hiring tasks.
Recruiterbox allows businesses to create a job listing once and easily update it at any time. Listings can quickly be posted to job boards and spread across the Internet where they are easily shared across social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and LinkedIn. This short video explains how the system works:
You can create customized questionnaires so you have all the information you need to select the very best applicant. All job postings, resumes, and discussion among your existing personnel are stored in one place. Recruiterbox provides a process that funnels each applicant to the appropriate person for data collection, interviews, and hiring.
All applications and resumes are easily accessed regardless of whether they were received via email, your Web site, saved in folders, or sent through job-boards. Using a solution specifically designed to manage recruiting simplifies the entire process, saving you time and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
Managing Applications
All communications related to hiring are stored on the Web so that you and your team can access it from anywhere. Never again wonder whether what you need is in an email or o Skype or saved as an attachment on which hard drive on whose computer. There is nothing to download or install – simply sign on and start hiring.
DISCLOSURE: This is NOT a paid post. The author frequently comes across useful tools and shares them with her readers so that they can benefit. Finding a way to make the process of hiring is a common challenge and many small businesses need this solution. Please share it with them. This would be a good post to save for the resources in it.
Whether you are looking for a recruiter or resources to manage your own hiring process, you can find it in our directories. If you have a related business, find out how you can be listed so others can find you, too.
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Great article, Gail. So true, in this economy, we need to get creative and find ways of doing business and doing it well, including the recruiting process for small business.
[…] that is something you need, you can read about it in Small Business Recruiting and Hiring Process Management. I encourage you to subscribe to that blog because I will be writing a lot more small business […]
[…] solutions like RecruiterBox because available, managing all those resumes and interviews was a nightmare for small businesses. […]