Let’s face it. No one needs an iPad. There, I said it. But I finally got one after months of deliberation and I absolutely love it. Now I need to justify the purchase so I won’t feel guilty. Hopefully I can find enough reasons in this article so you can finally go out and get yours too.
Convenience Factor
Tired of schlepping your laptop to client meetings? The iPad is a great solution. As a freelance writer and information architect, I spend a lot of time interviewing clients to try and uncover the real meat and potatoes behind new website initiatives.
Plus, after 13 years of schlepping various laptops around the country my back is pretty sore. My chiropractor suggested I lighten my load, and the iPad was the answer. It is so easy now to take notes and check email from an iPad instead of dealing with the bulkiness of a heavy laptop.
Technology Factor
If you do any kind of technology-related work such as mobile IT support, application or web design, the iPad makes a great test environment for you to experiment with your latest projects. After all, you’ll need to see how your creations look and behave on alternative devices. You’ll also be more accessible to all of your help desk fans.
Apps For Writing
Like it or not, Microsoft Word owns the writing business. If you’re a writer, that means your clients probably want their documents delivered as Word files. Luckily iPad has lots of apps for writers.
I prefer the simplicity of writing my initial drafts in a standard text file like the one I’m using now called Elements. It’s a simple text editor integrated with Dropbox, so I can work on text documents on any device, wherever I am. When I’m done, it’s an easy copy/paste into Word, WordPress, Pages or whatever the final client destination happens to be. This makes it super easy to work anywhere with an Internet connection – waiting in the school parking lot, at the local coffee shop, or in your back yard.
Apps For Designers
If you do any type of design work there are plenty of iPad apps for that. My favorite so far is Adobe Ideas, a free application that lets me sketch ideas out quickly in a multitude of colors and line widths. Another app I love for web design is iMockups, which is an excellent tool for creating quick website mockups on the fly.
Fun Factor
And then of course there’s the fun factor. The whole reason I started my freelance business was so I could spend more time with my family, and everyone loves playing games on the iPad. My husband also loves looking up gourmet recipes and I enjoy reading my favorite books and blogs during downtime.
Apple’s tablet computer has sparked the imagination of millions of customers and developers with a truly useful and usable product. So maybe you do need an iPad after all and just didn’t know until now. Let us know in the comments.