Get used to one operating system and begin loving it for what it offers and suddenly, it’s gone. A new operating system releases into the market, takes its place not only in the millions of computers throughout the globe but also in the hearts of passionate users. History repeats itself. That’s the biography of an operating system.
Microsoft, said to be the world’s number one IT brand, does it time and again. Their operating systems are very popular and used world-wide. They bring in huge uncountable dollars for the company. The company allows their operating systems to run for a few years and on releasing a new operating system, fade the older version out, making it vanish from the shop shelves.
With the release of Windows Vista, Microsoft initially wanted to stop all the Windows XP sales as of June 30, 2008, in spite of the lukewarm response that Vista received on its launch or the numerous protests made by people that they prefer XP to Vista. Most people are of the opinion that XP is the best piece of software ever produced by them. Microsoft tried to woo XP users to welcome Vista, but to no avail. They complain about Vista’s bad performance, its incompatibility with other software and everything else about Vista, including its security warning pop ups.
Talking about passion for operating systems, Galen Gruman, a technology journalist started a save XP web petition and collected more than 100000 thousand signature and comments from diehard XP fans, insisting that Windows keep selling XP until the next version is released in 2010. Grumen also wanted to meet up with Microsoft heads about the petition and was declined.
However, latest reports confirm that Microsoft did come back with a response that it will extend the life of Windows XP Home for certain classes of computers only. It can be preinstalled only on systems made by small computer makers and assembling units, until June 30, 2010 or until one year after it releases the next version of the operating system, Windows 7; whichever date comes first. But this extension for pre-installation is not being given to all PCs. It is only being allowed by the ultra low cost PCs that cost below $400.
Microsoft also clarifies that this extension is not forward to XP Professional. Michael Dix, general manager of Windows client product management says, “”There is no plan to extend sales of other editions of Windows XP beyond June 30, 2008.” He said that HP, Dell, Lenovo and others big computer making companies will not be allowed to pre-install XP on PCs after the June 30, 2008 deadline.
Analysts do agree that the extension given by Microsoft is a good decision in the sense, it will keep intact the confidence customers have in Microsoft company. They also feel that looking at things from Microsoft company point of view, to do anything more would be like Microsoft putting their hands up and admitting that they have lost confidence in Vista, which will only make it lose face and lose its reputation.
Microsoft, since it has attained the immense growth in terms of products and reputation, has to face assaults from all sides. Analysts are keenly watching their every move to see if Microsoft will finally admit that Vista was a mistake and continue with XP, which perhaps may never happen. Users may just have to begin life anew without XP in their lives.