Most Controversial Conspiracy Theories of All Time: In Depth
Image Credit: ~ Click image to read White House employs blogger to refute conspiracy theories and negative Obama stories
Policitians, the guilty, and major media love to dismiss any news they don’t like as a “conspiracy theory” – but at what point to these “theories” cease to be theories and become obvious?
When there is overwhelming documentation thanks to freedom of information act requests?
After enough video clips are posted on YouTube?
How about when documentaries are made that pull all the clips and documents together?
“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories” ~ George W. Bush
Some people will always believe what they are told by the media and government while others will eventually believe the overwhelming evidence, but whichever camp you’re in come along with us for our series on the Most Controversial Conspiracy Theories of All Time.
These are listed in no particular order. As each segment is completed, it will be linked below:
Is H.A.A.R.P. being used for weather modification causing droughts, flooding, steering tornadoes and hurricanes (Katrina) and creating earthquakes and tsunamis (Fukushima, iJapan)
WHO Behind the Federal Reserve Controls America’s Money Supply?
Manhattan Project
Water Fluoridation: Good for Teeth or Rat Poison?
North American Union: Has the U.S. already been merged with Canada and Mexico?
Peak Oil
Have Concentration Camps Already Built Across the U.S.?
Are there Already Guillotines Ready to Execute Christians and Others?
Are Those REALLY Stacks of Giant Black Plastic Coffins?
What Are Tanks Doing Rolling Through Residential Neighborhoods in St. Louis?
Why are Black Helicopters Flying in Formation in the U.S.?
Is Global Warming a Hoax?
Global Warming
Was Princess Diana Murdered by the Royal Family?
Who murdered JFK?
Operation Northwoods
Did we REALLY Land on the Moon?
Was Pearl Harbor Allowed to Happen?
More to come…
No Such Thing As Conspiracy Theories
Theses are sites that present evidence that they believe ALL so-called “conspiracy theories” are false.
Do YOU have a favorite conspiracy theory you would like investigated?
Waiting with baited breath to see evidence about one of the conspiracies above? Let us know in the comments.
hi im well into this subject, and viewing it all with an oipen mind. some of the above list seem plausable but then some dont. in perticular number 20/22 did we land on the moon, i think that we did, first i thought we may not have but after the mith busters team dedicated a show to this im now otherwised inclined to think. numbers 14 and 16/22, global warming. well on this i think its 50/50 as its a concern but its not as bad as what there making it out to be. i thought this was quite informative "David Icke: Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society" (can be found on netflix and other places).
There is more than just one conspiracy in play. They are all based on religion. Islamic radicalisation is just a symptom of what's happening. shows what it is radials see in their religious text that causes them to behave the way they do.
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hi im well into this subject, and viewing it all with an oipen mind. some of the above list seem plausable but then some dont. in perticular number 20/22 did we land on the moon, i think that we did, first i thought we may not have but after the mith busters team dedicated a show to this im now otherwised inclined to think. numbers 14 and 16/22, global warming. well on this i think its 50/50 as its a concern but its not as bad as what there making it out to be. i thought this was quite informative "David Icke: Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society" (can be found on netflix and other places).
There is more than just one conspiracy in play. They are all based on religion. Islamic radicalisation is just a symptom of what's happening. shows what it is radials see in their religious text that causes them to behave the way they do.