Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., aliens… these words bring up images of flying saucers, UFO encounters, and little green men with big ears. For years, we have been hearing of other life forms in our universe which visit our planet from time to time.
Hundreds of people claim to have experienced this first-hand and relate stories of their encounters. Many people dismiss the notion of alien visits, but one thing is for sure – any talk about UFOs and aliens draws a huge amount of interest from everyone.
There are thousands of such encounters and we picked a few that made news.
Just before 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot and fire control equipment salesman from Boise, Idaho, took a flight over the Cascade Mountains. Learning of a $5,000 reward, he set out looking for the remains of a lost C-46 transport plane.
Arnold did not find the missing aircraft but he saw a bright flash of light and spotted nine brilliant objects, with the lead object a little higher than the rest, moving south toward Mount Rainer. He calculated their speed at 1,700 miles per hour – a flatly impossible speed.
The main object looked like a dark crescent; the other eight objects were flat and disc-shaped. Arnold estimated the chain to be five miles long. They disappeared soon after. A new era of unidentified flying objects began in the United States after this widely publicized sighting. In fact, it was his descriptions that gave us the now common terms “flying disk” and “flying saucer.”
No discussion on UFO encounters is complete without mentioning Roswell. It is part of the bread and butter of Ufology, and has long formed the heart of UFO studies. The news spread worldwide about the first alien craft crash. It looked like the long awaited proof of extraterrestrial intelligence. The Air Force announced being in possession of the flying saucer, but later denied it, saying it was a weather balloon.
Years later, there was talk of a military cover-up of an actual UFO crash. Debris from wreckage filled a large area. The material found had unfamiliar and metallic characteristics, unlike anything seen before.
Although theories conflict in their accounts, there were some clear facts. Something huge had crashed near Corona. There were rumors of threats to witnesses if they revealed what they saw. A number of witnesses claimed to have seen alien bodies. There is also enough evidence of autopsies on an alien body.
One of the most interesting and convincing cases is the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. The couple was driving home at night on Interstate Route 3 in New Hampshire after a short vacation in Canada, when they noticed a white light in the sky.
Barney got out of the car to look at the object through his binoculars. The light got closer and turned out to be a pancake shaped object with windows revealing occupants. They got scared and went back home – then realized they had lost a couple of hours without them noticing it.
Betty started having nightmares about aliens and Barney had severe back aches. A respected psychiatrist in Boston, Massachusetts, felt they were suffering from anxiety syndrome and put them both under hypnosis. They convinced him that extraterrestrial beings had abducted them.
During the hypnosis sessions, both revealed separately that they had encountered a UFO and met bald aliens about five feet tall, with green skin and large heads. They described how the aliens took skin, nail and hair samples from them. Betty said they inserted a long needle into her navel as a pregnancy test, and Barney had to provide a semen specimen.
One aspect of this investigation that is difficult to explain to this day is that in 1963, Betty Hill drew a very detailed map of a star system that scientists only discovered six years later, in 1969. She said the aliens had shown her this map. Astronomers at Ohio State University compared their computer generated map with Betty’s, and both were completely alike.
Skeptics point out the inconsistencies, including the aliens speaking English with Betty, while Barney said they used some sort of telepathy.
Now, more than forty years later, whether it was a hoax is still an open question.
This wave of UFO spottings attracted the attention of the whole world as there were many sighting reports along with photographs and videos by different people. However, the main focus was on Ed Walters, a contractor, who had taken clear pictures of the UFOs he encountered.
When working late at night, Ed saw a light shining through his window and spotted a glowing, top-shaped object hovering just above the road. It had a ring around the bottom that glowed. He took his Polaroid camera and took many pictures. Then he moved closer and ended up almost underneath the UFO to get better pictures. A beam suddenly lifted him off the ground, while a voice told him that they would not harm him. All he remembers next was waking up.
He took these pictures to the Gulf Breeze Sentinel, a local newspaper. He later reported more visits and furnished photographs of flying objects. Questions about his credibility arose. However, MUFON, the world’s largest UFO organization, went to investigate. They consider it one of the most incredible encounters in modern UFO history.
Skeptics called it a hoax, in spite of the fact that Ed passed two polygraph tests. What makes this interesting is that Ed was not alone in this. More than 200 witnesses validated the sightings and some of them had photographs to show. Still, the UFO community has not come to a final verdict on this encounter.
Philip Spencer, a policeman in London, moved to Ilkley Moor after leaving his job. While taking some photographs of the moor, he heard a humming sound and saw a small green creature, around four feet tall. That creature moved away quickly and when Spencer shouted, it turned and waved an arm dismissively, which is when Spencer said he took this photograph. It moved faster than a human. He followed it and saw a huge silver saucer disappear into the clouds. He realized the humming sound was from the saucer – he had just encountered a UFO.
Later, he realized that he lost more than two hours of his time, and that his compass had gone haywire. He showed the picture to a UFO researcher and a thorough investigation began. Wildlife photography experts and Kodak laboratories revealed that it was no animal, and that the object was indeed part of the photo and not superimposed.
Spencer started having weird dreams. Under hypnosis, he revealed a fascinating tale. An alien had abducted him, taken him aboard the craft, and given him a medical examination before releasing him again. Spencer could now remember that he took his picture after he left UFO he encountered.
One thing that makes the researchers confident that Spencer did not set the whole thing up is the fact that he never wanted publicity or money.
This alien encounter that resulted in the abduction of Linda Napolitano was one of the most controversial cases the famous ufologist Budd Hopkins took an interest in.
Napolitano claimed that “greys” had taken her to their UFO above her apartment in Manhattan, by floating her from her closed bedroom window at 3 AM.
The most incredible thing was that she received correspondence from two bodyguards of a senior United Nations statesman, Javier Perez de Cueller, visiting Manhattan, saying that the three of them had witnessed a woman floating in the air along with three other entities to a massive hovering craft.
Hopkins found the behavior of these bodyguards an enigma. They would become psychotic and kidnapped Linda twice. They did this to try and pry information from her, thinking she had had a hand in the alien abduction herself.
Hopkins finally concluded that this UFO encounter was a valid alien abduction. He even confirmed it with Javier Perez de Cueller, but could not get him to go public.
This is a compelling account of an alien body from Russia. An elderly woman in the village of Kashtim saw a small creature near the Ural Mountains, and the being was whistling to catch her attention. She took it home.
The creature had skin that was gray with dark brown spots on the head. There was no hair, small holes in place of ears, small and flat nose, long fingers with sharp claws, a tiny hole in place of a mouth and no lips. The old woman nursed it back to health. After a couple of weeks, the woman sought treatment at a hospital for a psychiatric problem and left her companion at home without food.
Later, police found the dead body of the being. After testing, doctors claimed that the creature, which measured 8 ½ inches in length, could not have been a child.
They handed the body over to Galina Semenkova, head of a UFO expert organization. Galina later said that aliens from a flying saucer demanded the body, and that she gave it to them.
However, the whereabouts of Aleshenka’s remains are a mystery to this day. Have the aliens really taken it back? Is the mummy under research in some laboratory?
Denise Stoner is a multiple abductee. While most people go their entire lives without making contact with nonhuman entities, Stoner has done so dozens of times.
At only 2½ years old, an alien took her for the first time from her family home in Hartford. One night, while her mother was at the local hospital, giving birth to Stoner’s sister, an entity appeared in her bedroom.
“He looked like a monk, he had a robe, and he was carrying a light,” Stoner recalls. “I wasn’t afraid of him. He put out his other hand for me to take it, and I did.”
That night, the alien teleported Stoner to a large, dome-shaped room. She remembers being with many other children, being taught something, though she cannot recall what. The next morning, she woke up back in her bed.
Since that fateful night, Stoner says she has been taken more than 50 times. She has disappeared from her home, her car, even the middle of the street. The last time it happened was only three years ago, in the middle of the mountains in Colorado.
According to Stoner, it’s the same being every time. “He looks like your typical gray alien,” she says. “But he’s one of the tall ones. It’s just the very subtle shape of his face, his chin is a little wider. There’s no friendship. He comes to get me, and I know I’m going to be safe.” Jokingly, she sometimes calls him her escort.
Today, Stoner is 68 and lives with her husband in Florida. She works with other experiencers to conduct investigations of UFO encounters and abductions on behalf of MUFON.
On a Tuesday night in January 2008, a strange object zoomed over Stephenville, a small town in Texas.
Residents described the unidentified object as “faster than a speeding bullet – and bigger than a Walmart”.
What is remarkable about this particular sighting are the dozens of people witnessing it at the same time, including a police officer and a pilot. Over 40 people came forward to report the sighting, a local newspaper reported.
According to eyewitnesses, the UFO hovered over the town for about five minutes, before shooting away into the night.
Steve Allen, a veteran pilot, was out that night on a hilltop. He estimated that the UFO sped off at more than 3,000 mph, trailed by fighter jets that it easily outmaneuvered. As for its appearance, the pilot described it as an enormous, silent aircraft with flashing strobe lights.
Similarly, police officer Lee Roy Gaitan spotted the UFO in the night sky. He was on his way to his car when he noticed a red glow, which he said reminded him of pictures he’d seen of an erupting volcano. Only after a moment did Gaitan realize that the glow emanated from an object, suspended over 3,000 feet in the air. Awestruck, he called his son to come and take a look as well, making him another witness.
Military officials were quick to discount the sighting at the time. They claimed residents were fooled by an optical illusion – like the setting sun reflected by two airliners. Officially, no jets from the nearby airbase were in the sky that night.
However, the sighting was strangely similar to an incident at the nearby Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport just the year before. At the time, a dozen United Airlines employees spotted an unidentified object in the sky, and accordingly filed reports.
In April 2020, the world saw some of the most convincing evidence of UFO encounters yet. After a leak, the US Navy released previously classified top-secret footage of aerial phenomena.
Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokesperson, said that the three official videos were released to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that had been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos. The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified.”
When the videos first surfaced in 2017, they created a buzz. The footage records data captured by the video sensors of Navy F/A-18 fighter pilots off the coast of California in 2004 and 2015. It also includes a compelling audio track of the pilots’ reactions.
At the same time, it became public that a previously unknown “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force” was operating within the Office of Naval Intelligence. Its main goal? Investigating UFO sightings.
The official release of the videos stoked massive international interest, both among UFO enthusiasts, and among officials concerned about technological advancements by foreign adversaries.
In December 2020, another leaked photograph from the Navy fed the flames of interest. Captured in 2019 by the backseat weapons systems operator of an F/A-18 fighter jet, this photo shows an unidentified, silver, cube-shaped object.
The Pentagon has refused to comment on the leaked image, “to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries.”
There are several controversies surrounding UFOs and encounters with them. While proponents feel that UFOs are vehicles from other stars or dimensions, skeptics propose psychological-social hypotheses. There is even the man-made craft hypothesis by some who feel UFOs are nothing but American or Russian aircraft. Fact or Fiction?
View Comments
Well James you display your ignorance pretty well. Like so many people who simply cannot deal with the consequences of what we are talking about you reject it all.
And I agree 90%+ of what is out there is wrong or just phony. But that other 10% well that is just a different matter entirely. But I won't mess with your nice simple world view by pointing them out.
My world is FAR from simple my friend!
I believe that there probably is something out there. It will come when it will come and i dont believe we will discover them but they will discover us. For the man that said something about Giants, Giants in the bible were actually not giants at all. In ancient times the average man stood at around 5 foot. People as tall as 7 feet tall were considered to be giants.
I believe there are other types of life forms out there. Maybe not little green men in flying saucers..but other intelligent life forms. There are so many galaxies, other than ours, and in each of those galaxies I am sure there are planets and such. So to think we are the only intelligent life form out of all the galaxies, I just don't believe that.
As for the Roswell crash, I do believe the government is hiding something, not sure what exactly. But the whole thing was so secretive. If it really were just a weather balloon, how come they did not bring it out and show everyone, prove that's all it was? They kept things so quite, and to this day we are not sure exactly what happened. They can't be completely honest, and I believe the reason is if they were, people would start to panic.
When it comes to alien abductions, I don't think it is totally absurd. I am sure there are a lot of people who "saw a ufo" while blitzed out of their minds. But I believe some of the abduction stories may be true. Same with the pictures. These days, you can make anything look real. Most of them are probably fake, but every now and then i think a real one appears, but no one really knows what to believe.
Amber - no kidding people would panic! We can't even get along with all the versions of mankind already on this planet.
Anyone coming from some other planet would almost certainly be treated like some kind of big city slicker!
That being said, there is one point most people do not consider - and that is that any life forms we encounter are all going to be based on the same DNA structures found on this planet. They may look different, but they won't be different.
I say this with confidence because A) We are constructed and optimized at the lowest level possible - the level of bonding between various molecules. and B) We are built from the most commonly occurring molecules (for this generation of stars, anyway).
So, from a practical standpoint, since A and B above apply to the larger part of the known universe, we can with a high degree of probability say that evolution will occur along the same lines given the same circumstances. The results would be a total free for all, but the basis of any life will almost certainly be DNA/RNA/amino acid based. The elements you have to work with only go together in so many ways.
Would there be a possible way of getting millions or billions of people to sign something to make the Government reveal all these secrets, surely if we could they would have to reveal it? Would that work.. pepper_try@hotmail.com <- my email because i won't be able to find this page again lol.
Dear sirs,
I was wondering as i 've been searching for a cover for the book i 'm publishing; if it might me at all possible to use one of your photographs, namely the roswell incident saucer disaster, i could arrange to have your name printed on the inside cover under credits
yours sincerely
ray burt
Did you all think that the base where area 51 is actually for training. That actually they use the weapons there so we would not be upset by what military really use in combat. I was in the army and all this alien stuff is just a bunch of garbage. They need an area where it is secluded and no one to know whats going on. If people want to know so bad whats going on join the freiking military.
Oh, what rank? if you were and ordinary soldier, then of course they would tell you that! you practise on the surface, but they "practise" underground! theres an old saying, if i can remember it,"you have barely sctrached the surface'
well this is well wow im a young ufo hunter and this opened my eyes even more...and did any of u ever think area 51 is in plain site......... the pentagon people.........thats where allot of info is at and secrets so that might be where the true area 51 lies under the pentagon.
This is absolutely impossible for any alien to travel to earth.
Just think about how many years it took to travel to another galaxy even if you travel by light velocity???
Scientist have investigated university and they did not found any intelligent life in radius of millions of light years.
they do not travel from planets, but other dimensions. now, before you say anything, think about it. you are right, to travel from a planet would take a damn long time! but from a dimension, it would not. they still ahven't explained to me how exactly the time changes, but i think i will ask them tonight!
Diemensions are what have appeared in science and there is nothing strange about them in terms of difinitions.
In physics laboratoey, we can not spot any external power other than that of the three known famous (x, y, z) dimensions.
F = fx(i) + fy(j) + fz(k)
If there was other dimesions, we should atleast have suspected to our physics formula so long time ago and related them to the new dimensions. but thus now, science has report no such documentary or suspicion about this subject of matter.
Uhm, excuse me, but traveling from a star to any other star at light speed is completely instantaneous - it takes no time at all.
Remember the theory of relativity - everything depends on your reference point.
You are thinking that light takes millions of years to reach us from some object light years distant in space. From your perspective that is correct.
However, from the perspective of the light, it crosses the entire distance instantaneously.
Consider - time slows down as speed increases. This is experimentally proven. I posit that at light speed, time actually stops. This too is experimentally proven. You might be asking where this is proven - let me explain.
It is known that light will hit any object at light speed - regardless of that objects speed or direction of travel. i.e. an object moving away from a light source at 1/2 light speed will be struck by light from the same source at exactly light speed.
This is only possible if time stops at the speed of light. Hence, because the light is not traveling through time, it is therefore only traveling through space. An observer traveling only through space, will observe that nothing in the universe is moving - not planets, not atoms, nothing. Things can only move through time - if you aren't experiencing the passage of time, then nothing can be moving.
That's why light always hits objects at light speed - from the point of view of the light, the object it is hitting is not moving.
So - as you can gather from the above, your comment that it would take to long is completely incorrect - the journey might look like it lasted billions of years from here, but for the guys in the ship, from the moment they achieve light speed, not a single second will have passed - they would arrive at their destination at the exact same instant that they left their home.
Rodney, thank you for your commenting. What you said are all scientificly correct. But remember that according to relativity, reaching to light speed for any object other than photon, requires unlimited amount of energy. So that's practically impossible to reach light speed for human.
Nice would you mind if i featured this on my site at http://www.niternat.com it's a UFO & Alien orientated social network
You get an interesting new perspective of events here on earth if you can believe for a moment that 1) Aliens have visited us and 2) that the government communicates with these aliens.
If these are both true statements - and I'm not saying they are, then you could speculate that US behavior is being modeled based on information from these aliens.
For instance - maybe the aliens told the government that in order for your people to progress as we did (aliens), you must first bankrupt them all to force them to come together - hence the financial crisis.
Heres another thought - if the aliens have the technology to travel to our world, then their culture is almost certain to be peaceful.
I say this based on a comparison to our culture (the entire earth), which is most definitely war like.
The only way we would ever be able to develop the same type of star drive would be through the military, and since there aren't any interstellar combatants (as far as we know), we would never fund the research to build an interstellar drive.
Hence, if a culture does produce a star drive, and has the same lack of interstellar combatants, that culture should logically be a culture of peace. They funded the research because they were serious about space exploration, not warfare.