It’s a new era, with a new president. Poltical events cannot help but influence art. Some Barack Obama art is good, and some is just strange. But you be the judge.
obama_art_8Officially Unofficial Exhibition
Do I hear Cartoon Network calling?
Obama, his friends from south of the border and…underwear?
Obama car in the Delta
Ah, who can forget ‘cash for clunkers’ ?
Doesn’t this image just make you want to hum “Hail to the Chief” hip-hop style?
~ Obama Results ~
The new face of the nation.
Obama Rushmore
When you dream, dream big.

Obama and Lincoln cupcake art installation by Zilly Rosen at Smithsonian American Art Museum
The best of all possible worlds: Obama, Lincoln, and yummy cupcakes!

Super Obama
It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s Obama Man!
I (heart) Obama
You probably don’t want the president on your, uh, backside.

Real Obama – by Latuff
Does this man want to get his claws into your pocketbook?

Although few of these pieces will go with what’s in your living room, but whether you love him or hate him, Barack Obama — and Obama’s image — will be a part of your life for a while.