Sample Questionnaires for Training Needs Analyses

Earlier, we posted an article about how to conduct a training needs analysis (TNA). Many readers of that article expressed interest in sample questionnaires for an analysis of the sort described.

There is no single “one size fits all” questionnaire that can serve this purpose. Company requirements vary too widely, and any analysis of an employee base must be tailored to that specific group and the unique attributes of their work. That said, it is possible to share with our readers examples of the kinds of things that assessment instruments ask, with the understanding that these must of course be customized for the particular workplace being analyzed.

Sample Surveys

The previous article mentioned several components that may be chosen as elements of a TNA.  These approaches included observation, interviews, surveys, job description analysis, difficulty-of-task analysis, problem-solving conferences, identification of motivating personality factors, and analysis of organizational policies.

For the sake of providing a useful example in this limited space, we will focus on surveys. The reasons for this are threefold. First, no matter how a TNA is constructed, at some point it must entail direct input from the individuals who are candidates for training. Surveys accomplish this handily, and are perhaps the most frequently used tool in such analyses.

Second, a survey has arguably the broadest reach of any TNA methodology applied throughout an organization, so it is a high-value tool that offers a lot of “bang for the buck.”  Finally, once a survey is created, any interviews which are conducted can use that form as a starting point for more open-ended oral interviews. In this manner the survey does double duty, supporting more than one TNA technique.

Defining Survey Scope

Before using any sample surveys – or most critically, when creating surveys from scratch – it is important to be clear on precisely what the survey is intended to analyze. This in turn shapes what questions are invented, or what and how existing questions are customized.

The best way to achieve this is to first create a meta-list of the areas of inquiry the survey should explore. For example, let’s assume we want to assess the training needs of our customer service staff.  Even before looking at any pre-written surveys, we consider what we know of customer service operations and the nature of our business, and do a little brainstorming about topic areas to be addressed.  Perhaps we determine the employee survey should probe people’s knowledge of returns policies, their ability to deal with unsatisfied customers, and their judgment about when to escalate a problem to a higher tier of support.

Once this scope is defined, we might then expect to come up with a survey in three sections, with detailed questions in each of these subject areas.

We keep this in mind when evaluating existing surveys against our needs, or when creating questions for our own original assessment instrument. This ensures that the survey we use will be truly relevant to our requirements.

Training Needs Analysis Survey Samples

A well-done TNA survey can be lengthy. Rather than reproduce them here, the following links include a variety of examples in their entirety.  A link to a sample survey does not indicate endorsement of any associated products or services at that link.

IT Training: A Windows Office Suite self-assessment for computer users.

General Needs Assessment, Managerial and Office Skills

Common Business Needs:  Equal Opportunites, Sales, Health & Safety, more. Several samples online.

Skills Self-Assessment – portion of a larger TNA survey series.

  • Please send me the survey questionaire for sales and skill development


  • Please send me the survey questionaire for sales and skill development


  • would that be possible sending me a sample tranining needs assessment questionnaire on pharmaceuticals related jobs?

  • would that be possible sending me a sample tranining needs assessment questionnaire on pharmaceuticals related jobs?

  • hi, article and surveys both are very informative and valuable for us all. i am unable to find this general need assessment and common needs survey..can you please send it. moreover i am undertaking TNA of the line managers of my department Livestock and Dairy Development deppt. in this regard can you please help me suggesting books to read.

  • hi, article and surveys both are very informative and valuable for us all. i am unable to find this general need assessment and common needs survey..can you please send it. moreover i am undertaking TNA of the line managers of my department Livestock and Dairy Development deppt. in this regard can you please help me suggesting books to read.

  • hi all,

    as i am doing projcet on topic IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING NEEDS AT IT (Name Hide) TECHNOLOGIES Pvt lTD.

    so many time my guide rejected my questionneries which i prepared by telling that its effectivens & bla bla bla.

    only 20 days to submit my report, request you all please help me out in this.

    waiting the questinneries from you all.


  • hi all,

    as i am doing projcet on topic IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING NEEDS AT IT (Name Hide) TECHNOLOGIES Pvt lTD.

    so many time my guide rejected my questionneries which i prepared by telling that its effectivens & bla bla bla.

    only 20 days to submit my report, request you all please help me out in this.

    waiting the questinneries from you all.


  • Thanks a lot for the sample forms.
    It has really helped me to formulate one for our organisation.
    Warm regards,

  • Thanks a lot for the sample forms.
    It has really helped me to formulate one for our organisation.
    Warm regards,

  • please send me questionnaire on ‘find the visibility of some credit company in open market’

  • can you mail me a samplequestionnaire for conducting a tna in a SME. Both for employer and Employee

  • can you mail me a samplequestionnaire for conducting a tna in a SME. Both for employer and Employee

  • hi!!kindly send me the questionnaire on training need identification in production unit


  • hi!!kindly send me the questionnaire on training need identification in production unit


  • Hi…I need a questionnaire that will help me evaluate the effectiveness (as perceived by the employess) of the training and development initiatives ubdertaken by an organisation. A quick response is awaited.

  • Hi…I need a questionnaire that will help me evaluate the effectiveness (as perceived by the employess) of the training and development initiatives ubdertaken by an organisation. A quick response is awaited.

  • Hi…I need a questionnaire that will help me evaluate the effectiveness (as perceived by the employess) of the training and development initiatives ubdertaken by an organisation. A quick response is awaited.

  • Hi…I need a questionnaire that will help me evaluate the effectiveness (as perceived by the employess) of the training and development initiatives ubdertaken by an organisation. A quick response is awaited.

  • Hiiii! can u plz send me the qustionnaire about training need analysis???


  • please send me standard scale questionnaires for training and development on networking industries like AMWAY India. I am doing projects on “A study of AMWAY Business Owners(ABOs) opinion on training and development with reference to AMWAY INDIA, Manipur Branch”

  • please send me standard scale questionnaires for training and development on networking industries like AMWAY India. I am doing projects on “A study of AMWAY Business Owners(ABOs) opinion on training and development with reference to AMWAY INDIA, Manipur Branch”

  • Please send me standard scale questionnaires on training and development with reference to networking industries like amway india. my title project is “A study on Amway business owners (ABOs) Opinion on training and development with reference to Amway India, Manipur branch”

  • Please send me standard scale questionnaires on training and development with reference to networking industries like amway india. my title project is “A study on Amway business owners (ABOs) Opinion on training and development with reference to Amway India, Manipur branch”

  • Please, if u can, kindly send me a sample questionnaire on “consumer goods marketing”. I will be greatfull to you if you do me the favour. thanking you ……bye

  • Please, if u can, kindly send me a sample questionnaire on “consumer goods marketing”. I will be greatfull to you if you do me the favour. thanking you ……bye

  • Please, if u can, kindly send me a sample questionnaire on “consumer goods marketing”. I will be greatfull to you if you do me the favour. thanking you ……bye

  • Please, if u can, kindly send me a sample questionnaire on “consumer goods marketing”. I will be greatfull to you if you do me the favour. thanking you ……bye

  • hi ..i m doing a research on “an evaluation of the effectiveness of the training programs of medical staff”i have catagorised in to 3 groups-the trainees ,the trainers n the organisers.. There will be separate questionaaire for these groups…can u plz guide me with a sample questionaire on the effectiveness of the training programs for these three groups of medical staff separately…

  • hi ..i m doing a research on “an evaluation of the effectiveness of the training programs of medical staff”i have catagorised in to 3 groups-the trainees ,the trainers n the organisers.. There will be separate questionaaire for these groups…can u plz guide me with a sample questionaire on the effectiveness of the training programs for these three groups of medical staff separately…

  • Hi

    The article on TNA was of great help. Thanks! Could you send me a questionnaire on the same from a BPO perspective? I’m looking at the advisors level from the training point of view.

  • Hi

    The article on TNA was of great help. Thanks! Could you send me a questionnaire on the same from a BPO perspective? I’m looking at the advisors level from the training point of view.

  • Hi

    I,m doing training in hr in pharma company.My topic of project is training and
    development. Plz send me questionnaire related to topic.

  • Hi

    I,m doing training in hr in pharma company.My topic of project is training and
    development. Plz send me questionnaire related to topic.

  • Hi, can you please mail me the sample questionnaire on IT(computer skills) Training need analysis

  • Hi, can you please mail me the sample questionnaire on IT(computer skills) Training need analysis

  • please send me standard scale questionnaires for training and development on trading or manufacturing industries. Thank you very much

  • please send me standard scale questionnaires for training and development on trading or manufacturing industries. Thank you very much

  • will u plz give the some sample qustion of trinig and developmant… will be helpful for me….thanks

  • will u plz give the some sample qustion of trinig and developmant… will be helpful for me….thanks

  • Hi, this is a wonderful site. Would appreciate if you couls send a sample questionnaire of TNA…Thanks

  • Hi, this is a wonderful site. Would appreciate if you couls send a sample questionnaire of TNA…Thanks

  • Hi,
    Can u plz send me a questionnaire for the project topic marketing attitude…the project is about a training service center…so plz send questionnaire related to this…

  • Hi,
    Can u plz send me a questionnaire for the project topic marketing attitude…the project is about a training service center…so plz send questionnaire related to this…


    Folks, I’m the author of this article. Neither I nor send out samples or specialized questionnaires. We don’t have any to send. Note that this article says,

    “There is no single “one size fits all” questionnaire that can serve this purpose. Company requirements vary too widely, and any analysis of an employee base must be tailored to that specific group and the unique attributes of their work.”

    The best way to find samples in your area of interest is to do a Google search with keywords related to your topic in addition to the phrase “sample training needs analysis questionnaire”. That will point you to samples you can use as a starting point for the customization you have to do to create an analysis instrument for your unique work circumstances.

    Requests for samples in this comment area will not, unfortunately, result in anything being sent to you. You will need to do the basic research for specific types of questionnaires yourself.

    • No offense to any of the posters here, but I find it alarming that the majority of the readers who’ve posted requests for questionnaires are Indian. I know – I’m of Indian origin.

      It scares me that the current populace of this once-great heritage are today incapable of

      1) comprehending something they read
      2) producing a template for their tertiary study on their own
      3)having any pride in their own capabilities or any pride in being original.

      Cry, the beloved country.

      • You may have a point there… I think you should extend your concern to most of humanity.

        I’m west-Asian by origin -from a once-great land called Pars, and later Persia. Today it is a land ripped apart by an Islamic government and the associated politics. Islam has destroyed my nation for the last 1000 years.

        Such situations put people in desparate situations, and they’re more concerned with getting through school/university and getting a job to survive than about higher intellectual goals such as originality and pride.

        I realise you are referring to your fellow Indians in your comment. What I’m pointing out is that the same is true for many people around that area i.e. Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and so on… which were all once part of a great nation called Bharath.

        And the reason lies in the economic and political rape of that region by various political entities – be they Central Asian Huns and Mughals, savage Europeans thieves, religious entities and so on.

        People exist at the lowest rung of Maslow’s Pyramid. You know what I’m talking about – it’s not entirely a problem at a personal level.


    Folks, I’m the author of this article. Neither I nor send out samples or specialized questionnaires. We don’t have any to send. Note that this article says,

    “There is no single “one size fits all” questionnaire that can serve this purpose. Company requirements vary too widely, and any analysis of an employee base must be tailored to that specific group and the unique attributes of their work.”

    The best way to find samples in your area of interest is to do a Google search with keywords related to your topic in addition to the phrase “sample training needs analysis questionnaire”. That will point you to samples you can use as a starting point for the customization you have to do to create an analysis instrument for your unique work circumstances.

    Requests for samples in this comment area will not, unfortunately, result in anything being sent to you. You will need to do the basic research for specific types of questionnaires yourself.

  • Would it be possible for me to get the sample of questionnaire on human Resources. Thanks

  • Would it be possible for me to get the sample of questionnaire on human Resources. Thanks

  • I m preparing Management Thesis on “Developing A Training Module on Front Office Employees on customer’s expectation”

    Plz. send me the questionnaire regarding this which is useful for me collecting the Data.


  • I m preparing Management Thesis on “Developing A Training Module on Front Office Employees on customer’s expectation”

    Plz. send me the questionnaire regarding this which is useful for me collecting the Data.


  • plz send me some questionnaires for report on “Impact of multimedia in teaching science education”

  • plz send me some questionnaires for report on “Impact of multimedia in teaching science education”

  • please me a copy of trainers needs analysis and curriculum for teaching unemployed university graduates

  • please me a copy of trainers needs analysis and curriculum for teaching unemployed university graduates