Credit: Mark Knol via Flickr
Credit: Mark Knol via Flickr
Does your online business live or die by the hand of Google? Would your business website or blog cease to have any reach or influence if your search engine traffic from Google were to evaporate tomorrow? Would your income disappear? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, it might be time to Google-proof your business website or blog.
It’s never a good idea for any business venture to become too reliant on a single third party — especially one with the power to wipe you out on a whim (or an error). Don’t laugh. It can happen.
All Good Things Must Come to an End
Yes, Google is a big deal right now, especially when it comes to the company’s search market share. But that doesn’t mean they’ll be around forever, or forever at the top of their game. Remember Alta Vista? Remember when Yahoo! wasn’t playing second fiddle? Remember when every Average Joe seemed to use AOL? My, how things can change! Chances are good that in time Google too will be replaced as the dominant search engine. It’s an industry that thrives on innovation, and today’s “nobody” could be tomorrow’s game-changer.
Despite that, Google being unseated as the Web police, judge, and jury should probably be the least of your concerns. It won’t happen overnight, and I’m not saying that you should stop working to get traffic from Google and other search engines. The real concern should be about your individual site.
If Google were to tweak their algorithm, would you have to completely rethink your SEO work and invest more resources into regaining your rankings? What if they decided that one of your now “white hat” link building techniques was suddenly a no-no, and your rankings were penalized? What if it was a glitch that sent you plummeting to the depths of Google Hell, with your site nowhere to be found? Even if you regained your rankings eventually, how much business and money might you have lost in the interim?
What is a Google-Proof Website?
When your website is “Google-proof,” you don’t have to worry about such things. A drop in rankings might affect your traffic, but it won’t affect your business as a whole. Essentially, you’re equipped to weather any storm the Google gods might hurl in your direction. Heck, you might not even notice.
The owner of a Google-proof website knows not to rely on one primary outsider. They diversify. They not only diversify their traffic sources, but they also have multiple income streams. They don’t rely solely on their search engine traffic for ad revenue, and they know the value of branding.
Tips for Google-Proofing Your Business Website
Let’s talk more about branding, why it’s important in Google-proofing your websites, and a few other things you can do to avoid a sudden downfall just because you might not want to play by all of Google’s rules.
There is nothing wrong with getting search engine traffic. Any kind of targeted traffic can be good for your website. The key is to let that search engine traffic be supplemental rather than your sole or primary source of visitors, and to monetize your site in ways that don’t rely too heavily on your search engine traffic remaining stable. When you do those two things effectively, you’ll have a truly Google-proof website on your hands.
What other steps do you take to Google-proof your business or website? Do you rely too much on Google? Are you okay with that? Would you still be okay with that if Google suddenly stopped sending traffic your way? You can join the conversation by sharing your Google-proofing tips and advice in the comments.