If you’re the boss of your company, you might find it difficult to walk the thin line of being both respected and well-liked. The good news is “boss” doesn’t have to be a dirty word. You just need to incorporate the traits of the best bosses into your management style, and you’ll be a successful boss that employees are willing to work hard for.
Here are the most common traits of the best bosses.
- Listens to employees—The best bosses realize that it’s their employees who are out on the front lines day in and day out. The employees are the ones dealing with the customers, hearing the complaints, and following all of the procedures you put in place. This means they have the best insight into what’s working and what isn’t. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you know it all. Your employees could have some really great ideas, and you’ll never know until you listen to them. Also, taking the time to listen to them lets them know you value them, helping to boost employee morale.
- Admits when he’s wrong—Like it or not, you’re going to make mistakes as a boss. We all do. The key is to learn from your mistakes and to not make them again. So, whenever a mistake is made, admit it. Don’t try to pass the blame onto one of your employees. That just makes you look weak, and it causes your employees to despise you.
- Doesn’t manage from a distance—How can you be a good boss if you’re never around? You can’t pretend to know what’s really going on if you aren’t actually there getting your hands dirty.
- Doesn’t micromanage—While you don’t want to manage from a distance, you also don’t want to micromanage. If you’re constantly hovering over the shoulders of your employees, they won’t have the confidence they need to get the job done right. Take a step back, and let your employees own their job. There’s a reason you hired them. Now, let them do their job.
- Is consistent—Inconsistency is the one thing that will drive employees crazy. If one day you’re telling them to do one thing and the next you’re asking them to do the opposite, they’ll think you’re a fool. Likewise, if you allow one employee a certain privilege but refuse the same privilege to another, your inconsistency will make it appear that you play favorites, opening up a nasty can of worms.
- Shows employees his appreciation—Employees need to be told they’re doing a good job at least occasionally. If they don’t feel you value their hard work, they won’t have any reason to bust their butt for you. Reward your employees by promoting those who do a good job, telling them “thanks” when you have a chance, throwing employee appreciation parties, and giving them time off when they need it.
Share your boss stories—good and bad—by leaving a comment.
I had two great bosses so far.
One was french, he’s very flexible and considerate. You can be comfortable to say anything on your mind without him taking it against you.Second was an Indian, very professional and intelligent. He knows the job and even my job so well and so it’s not hard when you ask some assistance. He was a very positive boss and encourages a staff like me.